Thursday, September 9, 2010


Advertising is an important component of your marketing strategy. The aim is to promote your business and communicate the information you want to send to your target audience, usually with the aim of increasing sales or making your audience aware of your products. Advertisements are found in many places and in many forms. One of those forms is known as print advertising.

How to get the most from a print ad

1. Make sure the ad has a strong headline and call-to-action. What’s the one thing you want to convey and what do you want prospects to do next? Make sure these two elements are strong and clear.

2. Mix up some emotion. The most powerful buying triggers are emotional benefits. Your messaging should focus on emotional benefits and how your product delivers them. To achieve this goal, you really need to know your audience.

3. Speak to your audience. Going beyond, design your entire ad to grab attention and appeal to your target audience. Consider your headline, copy, photography, typeface and layout.

Also, if your product or service is new to a particular audience, pay special attention not to use jargon or industry lingo.

4. Building bit by bit. Don’t dump all the information about your product or service into your ad . Usually this isn’t the time to list all of your features & benefits. Give prospects just enough information to grab attention, feel pain and identify with the problem, and then contact you for your solution.

5. Treat the other ads as competitors. The average person is exposed to 100+ messages per day. And the print publication is probably full of ads and articles that are competing for the attention of your prospects. How large are other ads? Full color or spot color? Photography or heavy copy? Size up the competition and make sure your ad stands out.

6. Make it easy for prospects to contact you and get the exact information they want.

7. Make sure your offer will generate qualified leads. Remember, it’s not necessarily the response rate that matters – it’s the return on your investment. Focus on driving profitable revenue, not just a long list of names for your database.

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